Irene's 2023 visit
https://steppingstonestherapy.blogspot.com/2023/02/getting-ready-to-visit-mae-sot.html?m=1 There has been too big a gap between visits -...

Visit from Harrow School
This is a group of students from Harrow School in Bangkok who while visiting Mae Sot joined the Stepping Stones team to understand their...

‘We are Here!’ and Save the Children Visit
Following on from our successful ‘We Are Here’ exhibition in December, prepared by some of the children and young people who access...

New Projects
We have two small new projects that we hope to develop over the coming months and are looking for support from you to help us to achieve...

Hannah's Experience - Part 2
In Part 2 of Hannah's posts, she shares with us her work with Aye Mya, a Mae Sot local who has worked with us designing learning material...

Hannah's Experience - Part 1
Our outgoing Physio, Hannah Pickard, shares her experiences in a series of short blogs. This first part shows just how much Hannah has...