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Tac Packs


Some children with severe cerebral palsy or other forms of brain damage also experience learning disabilities. In addition, their world can be made even more difficult due to sensory disturbances. This can take the form of tactile, visual, auditory, proprioceptive or vestibular disturbances and can be due to over-excitement or inhibition of these various sensory inputs. Sometimes children with such a difficult sensory world can become locked-in while others can be agitated or distressed by their overloaded senses.

A simple therapy that often helps some of these children is Tac Pack – a daily routine of listening to setmusic pieces, each accompanied by a tactile stimulation, such as tapping or stroking all over the body using differently weighted and textured objects. As these objects are easy to get locally and cheap (e.g. damp sponge, chopsticks, soft cloth etc) then Tac Pack can be a very useful and welcome part of a child’s daily routine.

Thanks to one of our wonderful donors, there are currently, around 15 children in the area with their own Tac Packs and they have been a great success.

Providing a simple Tac Pack to a child in Mae Sot would cost in the region of £6. Often we have to provide a CD player as well. which we can buy locally for around £20. 

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